I haven't blogged in a while but wanted to give an update to those who get on here to check how we are doing. Kahlai has been doing much better. Since the last adjustment to his meds, he has not shown many signs of seizing during the day. He is still seizing at night, but now there is nothing I can do about it until I can get his dad to agree to add a medication only at night to stop the night time seizures... or get the court's approval to make the call myself.
THis last month has been a wild ride. I graduated with two degrees as an honors graduate with high distinction and Phi Theta Kappa. Patrice sent me on a week vacation to Newport Beach with my best friend and I remembered what being a woman without stress was like. (wow). Came home with fresh ideas of how to handle certain stressors and so far so good.
I had to take an incomplete on 3 classes in order to survive last semester. They let me walk with the degree anyways.... but I have a bit more work to do still.
Next semester I am off to ASU... to their school of Design. I am praying that some scholarships line into place.. crossing my fingers, praying and more praying!
I'll try to do better about keeping this updated....