Well I haven't blogged in a while and it's because honestly I have been very busy.... and my computer is in the shop.. both of them.. augh.
I jumped online for a second to give a brief update as a wuick attempt for a prayer request.
Kahlai has been diagnosed with Myoclonic epilepsy.
and now the million dollar answer to the most commonly question I have been asked over and over.... ("Are you serious?").. Yes. I am serious.
This morning he will have an EEG done to try and pin point where the seizures are coming from in his brain. Please pray for Kahlai as he really needs a lot of prayer. Hopefully the diagnosis was wrong and it will not take as serious of treatment as they have described to get them under control. Wednesday he had 29 seizures and in addition, he also experienced what is commonly known as a complex partial seizure.... he was unresponsive.... looking up at the ceiling with a glassy stare and making movements that just made no sense at all. Yesterday he totalled out at 47 seizures... and within the last hour he has had 3.
If you have any info or personal experience with epilepsy and wouldn't mind sharing... i would love to hear about it. Good or bad stories.. I don't care which, just having a personal connection outside of researching online and reading case studies would be nice. Also, if you have any reccomendations for a ped neurologist to St. Joe's hospital... we would like to have a second opinion.. and would like to connect with the barrows center instead of Phoenix Children's Hospital.
I thank you all in advance for your prayers.
I'll keep in touch and give an update on how it went later today...
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