Thursday, December 18, 2008

To whom much is given, much is expected.

Holy Moley! Tonight was one of the most amazing night EVER!!!!! Thank you so much Helping Hands For Single Moms for yet again affording me amazing opportunities.
(Very Happy Angelique in this photo ---->)

First let me back up. Do you know what Helping Hands for Single Moms is? HHSM is an organization founded by Chris Coffman to help aid single mothers while they go to school. It started as a mission from his church and has now grown to be such an AMAZING organization! Joanne Grady and Chris Coffman are ANGELS... you can't verify this just by meeting them as they are very humble people and keep their wings tucked in when in public ( I'm sure of it). Their level of commitment to the moms of HHSM is incredible and I thank God for them both. Let me just say that they have a way about them that attracts fabulous people. People who are looking to make a difference in the lives of people like.. ME! How wonderful? SO WONDERFUL! If you are sitting there reading this and think that I am "lucky" then think again.. it is only through the grace of God that I have been lead by the hand by these people to the events that are hosted for them... affording me opportunities to share my goals and be encouraged by so many. For more info please check out

Ok, so let's get on with why tonight was so great... well to start off, I went to a fundraising event for HHSM. A retail therapy for a cause mobile boutique called SWANK hosted the event for us in DC Ranch. Tandy and Kristen were the ladies names and they are such loving and generous women.. and here is why. They only have this business to help causes... they team up with different causes, sell merch and donate the proceeds. Tonight was a raffle and a silent auction and I am pretty sure that they ( I guess it would be.. HHSM) did very well. HHSM shared the event with the Phoenix Rescue Mission.. which everyone should read up on the tremendous things they are doing to make a difference as well.... what an amazing bunch!

So I'm there to talk about HHSM... and I did... and God kept sending people there to talk to me. It went kind of like this.. "Oh Hi! Are you one of the Moms?" "Yes I am!".."What are you in school for" ( I would answer)... "Oh! Hunny come here... you have to meet my husband.. he' s an architect..."... " Come meet my friend.. he's an architect"... "Please meet Rebecca.. she's a fabulous designer..." ...."I'm going to introduce you to the Architect responsible for the D.C Ranch Development.." HOLY MOLEY!

Tons of conversation.. lots of guidance.. and most importantly... CONTACTS that CARE! (or at least I think that they do)...the icing on the networking cake was a lady named Lori who took me under her wing and told me that it wasn't enough to just meet these people... I needed to know how to turn this all into opportunities... SHE IS SO RIGHT! Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you Jesus! Nothing better than following through...!

So just when you think it's over.. and I'm sure you are with me on thinking that this is pretty great!... It get EVEN BETTER! you ready for this?

So even though this was a night to help raise funds for HHSM... I got a gift card to go eat out.. WHOO HOO!!! I've been wanting to go take Kahlai out to eat and celebrate my AA!! I can't afford to right now... but now I have no choice.. I MUST go eat out... this card is only for a restaurant of my choice... it's one of those... "pick where you'd like out of four or five options" kind of gift card.. AND just last weekend Chris gave us FREE tickets to Zoo Lights... Come on son... mommy's taking her baby out!

but wait there's more...

(drum roll please....)

I'm talking with Tandy's husband who at the time was guiding me on my career goals... (amazing conversation)... and Tandy comes over and tells me that she and Kristen want us moms to pick ANYTHING we want from the boutique merch and take it home.... umm.. come again? ANYTHING? Yes folks... AN_EE_THING. So.... in that moment I didn't know what to do with myself. I'm not a designer jeans kind of gal... nor am I am purse lady or a designer dress lover... this momma had her eye on these scarves and this one bracelet from the moment I walked in... and guess who got one of those fabulous scarves? Oh YA! ME!!! YAY! It is an Italian Mossoni Foulard green and blue flame stitch scarf that makes me feel like a million bucks. It was not the most expensive thing I could have picked, but if you know me, I am simple, easy to please and ..... rather cheap... however, this scarf was not! It was nothing that I could ever been able to afford... nothing I probably would ever buy with the price tag @ $220!!!! WHAT? Santa? No Jesus... thank you for the early Christmas gift!

Oh WOW! It is so awesome to see Gods gifts.. literally... in my life... and to be able to share with others. And I got that opportunity too. Chris and Joanne took us out to dinner afterwards. Emmis and Toyia ( two of the moms that came tonight) came with us and we sat there sharing stories, advice, and ministering to one another. I was amazing to have the opportunity to speak to these two amazing moms and be a vessel for God's word. I, for the first time, felt just like God spoke through me with encouraging words and ministered to them... it was awesome. We lifted each other up, laughed and shared so much. I told some funny stories about my sister whom I am so very proud of... she makes me laugh and keeps me encouraged... I realized tonight that I need to be more encouraging for her! I love you sister.
I am thankful to HHSM for moments like this... if you could only be a fly on the wall and see the things that this organization breeds in the moms that are involved... it is amazing... AWWmazing... and I thank God for each and every person that has a hand in this organization (big or small) it helps so much!

So I will follow up... and I will wear this scarf like no one has ever worn a scarf before... and I will thank God every day for everyday and all that he has and is doing in my life... I will not doubt that he knows what he is doing in regards to Kevin, Kerron and my sweet Kahlai. I will pray over my son every DAY and not just at night anymore... I will continue to pray for my dear Kerron. I will recieve these blessings knowing that God giving so much to me right now so that I can be a blessing to others. I can't wait till I am on the other side of this one day... and I am able to make such a difference in someone's life... a mom's life... but first I will start at home and begin with praising my mom for being such an ANGEL... you know.. not only does she have eyes in the back of her head.. she has wings too you know... and that is why I am able to do the things I can do.. my amazing and supportive mom. Love you Mom.

(sigh)... ok just had a slap of reality hit me...

oh boy....back down from cloud nine....

Kahlai goes for his first ever weekend visit with his dad tomorrow. The first ever weekend away from mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... I can feel myself melting as I type this... I don't want him to go.......especially because I will worry... and what if he misses mommy and can't come home? and what if he just wants to talk to me and he won't let him? and..... and...... this morning I noticed he is trying to come down with something... guess my early Christmas celebration and my AA pancakes with Amy will have to wait. (Sad face). I'm gonna go snuggle in with my baby... I need the snuggle time right now... cuz I'm sure gonna miss that sweet face.

Oh dang.. speaking of.. I can hear him coughing.. gotta run..


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