So I have a huge list of things to do.. I am beginning to feel a bit overwealmed and much like this could take me forever. Applying for benefits for Kahlai to get him the care he needs.. and trying to temporarily find him a daycare provider while I finish out the semester and until we can get approved for a nanny-type person to watch him and teach him (someone who is familiar with his condition). I have been searching for scholarships and other financial resources to help with the increase in financial need having a child with a disability... so far my friend Michelle has been such a tremendous help!!!!! I would be lost with out her! She has flooded my inbox with a constant flow of places to check out... and I am very grateful... and at the same time... realizing that I have some work in front of me. So speaking of work... i haven't had the ability to do homework in a while... ability.. not motivation...
I have (well had) two computers... a new laptop I recieved as part of my scholarship from Helping Hands for Single Moms (awesome).... the other I purchased very used and cheap from my sister because I had to have a windows XP computer to load the CAD program for my class so I can do work from home. Well, the laptop has been shipped off from Best Buy to get fixed since the 5th of january... and the other one is officially FRIED! It won't boot up it just makes a clicking sound! I haven't been able to do my work from home since the beginning of the semester, then with Kahlai's stay in the hospital, that set me back.. so i need some prayer that I can find a CHEAP solution to fix the computer with the XP in it so that I can get back on track with my homework. I have been borrowing a computer to get online and am extremely grateful for to have at least online access. THANK YOU! But I need to be able to do my homework.
Also, Kahlai fights me every time he has to take his meds. He is taking the sprinkle caps so I have to open the capsules, pour the sprinkles in something like applesauce or yogurt... or jam.. or anything I think he would swallow! Well, I have to have him near me at all times... so he has seen me prepare the meds.. so he won't take it. Sometimes I get him to open his mouth... then he won't swallow... or I have to pry his mouth open.. and he spits it out... either way we both end up extremely frusterated and the end result is that he is not getting his full dose and therefore, we will not be able to see a change in his seizures if he isn't going to wake the meds! Right now he is on one pill three times a day... we will eventually get to 8 pills a day! So if you have some creative ways i could try to get him to take his meds.. please let me know or at least pray with me that he will start to take them and if it's not too much to ask Lord, would even just swallow the capsule???? lol..
So I am praying that I get some.. no ALL of these schoalrships to go to ASU in the fall. I graduate in May from SCC and just need to feel like I am ready to go with ASU... I'm already a bit intimidated by the changes attending ASU will bring... traffic in the mornings... parking... the workload... the schedule.. ect. Universities just do things different than laid back community colleges I hear... and I just pray i am financially prepared for the increase in TUITION... and BOOKS/GAS/SUPPLIES.
So why am i so concerned about these things now? With the changes in the economy, ASU has cut the enrollement deadline for FALL 09' back to March 1st. Oh yes.. everything by March 1st!
So I had better be ready... and there is just so much to do...
So if you are keeping us in your prayers... i just thought if it's not too much to ask...perhaps you could add a few words...
First things first.. pray for healing for Kahlai.. i have already seen such a great improvement. He is walking and talking better... and he's back to bossing me around all day so I'm sure the rest of it is coming back.. i just know it. So you all are doing a great job! Keep u p the good work!
Could ya pray for a wonderful new childcare provider who is familiar with his condition and possibly has some healthcare background to watch Kahlai four hours a week twice a week while I am in class....
my computer to be fixed so I can do my homework and try to catch up in class....
Kahlai to take his medicine so I can stop trying to bribe him with hotwheels and chocolate ( ok, I know, I know... but he HAS to take it.. still even after bribing.. no luck!)...
and pray for an extra 10 days this month and and extra 4 hours a day till the end of the semester! ( No really.. God can make miracles happen so it's worth a shot! What will you get out of it? 10 days of free auto insurance, rent, 10 free days at the gym.. I'm sure there's a little somthing for everyone.. and who wouldn't want 4 extra hours a day? hmm...)
And if I can sneak one more thing in God, I just need to lose that 10 lbs I gained in the hospital... I seriously cannot go buy new clothes because of my nervous eating habits! So if we could pray this extra weight off of me.. that would be fantastic! I'm not looking to be a supermodel.. just want to fit into ( not stuff into) my clothes again!!! and you just say the word and we will start to pray off those extra pounds for everyone! Geez.. I never thought to pray off the pounds.. perhaps we could start something here folks!
Thanks for all of your help prayer partners! ;)
We will see if it works... if so...I'll be blogging a huge thank you with a picture of Kahlai seizure free.....me wearing something other than some sort of stretch pants on February 38th at 16pm! lol.
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