I don't know what it is about being home, but it seems as thought the sun is actually shining brighter today just because we are. I was soo tired yesterday that I couldn't really blog much about what the docs had to say. So here it goes:
Dr. Williams said that kahlai has something called Doose Disease. He showed some "drop" attacks while being monitored and has three different kind of seizures.. Myoclonic, General ( where he sometimes has focal seizures) and Absence seizures (where he just mentally checks out and stares off).
The Absence seizures are very interresting. He sometimes looks around the room and even looks as thought he is responding to you... but he is not. He acts sometimes totally normal, but you can just tell in his eyes that there is something... different.
Many of these seizures we did not even know where going on.. I felt so bad one time when I saw the video and the eeg together.... I was feeding him dinner and he began a seizure... i kept trying to make him take a bite because he's not eating well these days... he was actively seizing! Another time I was on the phone with someone and he was on the ned next to me... just seizing and I had no clue!
The pictures above are the teletubbie hat he wore for the monitoring! He couldn't WAIT to get it off! That hat and the IV... he is so glad to have some mobile freedom! He is still a bit unstable walking around and stuff, but he has just made a HUGE change from being in the hospital!
He is talking WAAAy more and making much more sense!!!
He has a TON of energy!
He even started going around the room and saying MINE MINE MINE.. so I feel like my boy is coming back..
This morning he started bossing me around so i want to thank you all!!!
It is soo good to feel like my boy is coming back!!!!
I'll take it all! Temper tantrums... bossing me around... deciding that whatever he wants to do is what we are going to do... and all of that three year old stuff!
i was soo sad to think that I wouldn't have these moments again.. but with your prayers... and a reduction in the topomax, I think that Kahlai is going to be a healthy boy.
We haven't increased his meds yet... but I hope we won't have to.
Yes he isn't 100% back to normal... but I have so much faith and hope that he will return to.. well.. normal (whatever normal is for him.)
i understand that there are more people than i realize praying for Kahlai... most of them people that I have never met. I just want to say THANK YOU.
Thank you soo much for keeping Kahlai in your prayers. It means more than you know that all of you have shared his story with others and that he has been so loved and cared for without any recognition... just as a random act of kindness and concern.
Feels good to be so cared about.
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