Thursday, January 8, 2009

If only cars could Heal....

Well... I must say that today was an interesting day...

So my car has the flu... well.. actually it just sounds like it has bronchitis and I took it in to the nice boys at Motortec to see what the problem was and how much it will cost to fix it...

Are you ready for this?

Almost $1800 dollars!

In case you were wondering if I had a money tree in my back yard.. Ummm....I don't.

So I will wait... pray... and see what can be done about this... Hopefully something... because If I have to choose between keeping my attorney through my case or keeping my car on the road.. I'm not realy sure which one sounds better considering my court case.. hmmm.

PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY CAR... I don't have a name for my car... I think it's a guy thing to name your car so... if you are going to pray for my car... It's a Jetta... it's a 2000... and I know it's old now... but it's all i have until i graduate college and am able to get an amazing job to fix my credit and get a new car.

So there... that's my day...

Oh! And I met with the lovely ladies of the PEO organization... what a lovely group of women.. so much love and kindness in their eyes... I want to grow up to be like them!... and help people.. and be excited about it too!

Ok.. I'm off to bed.. big day tomorrow.... and I'm on my second week now of trying to become an early bird instead of a night owl.

to be continued....

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